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Course Content and Enrollment

First Aid Drill (FAD)


Drill Objective:

To introduce first aid drill to the general public. The Drill is specially designed with different scenarios for companies, groups and schools. The Drill content include identifying common accidents and learning the coping skills.


Drill Service Contents:

  • Briefing and Debriefing Services
  • Scenario Design
  • Scenario setup (On-site)
  • Casualty simulation
  • Loan of First Aid Equipment, e.g., Manikins


Medium of Instruction: Cantonese, Putonghua or English


Attendance Certificate: Participant can apply for Attendance Certificate with HK$50 each.


If you are interested in First Aid Drill, please submit “Corporate Enrollment” for further arrangement.


*Remarks - Hong Kong Red Cross reserves all rights to make alternation on the above terms and acceptance of student enrollment.